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New Year, Fresh Ideas: January Content Calendar for Business Owners

Welcome to your January Content Planner! As we usher in a new year, it's the perfect opportunity to infuse your social media and marketing strategies with fresh and inspiring content. In this blog, you'll discover a comprehensive collection of content ideas tailored to help you connect with your audience and maintain high engagement levels throughout the month.

Dive in and explore how these curated ideas can elevate your January marketing efforts, ensuring your brand starts the year off strong and engaging.

Hi, I'm Brittany, a mom, mystery buff, bookworm, and DIY home decor enthusiast. I love nothing more than finding sustainable strategies to help your business grow into what you've dreamed of. If you're looking for support with your social media, email marketing to podcast, click here to learn how I can help.

Table Of Contents

Month Long Ideas

Week Long Ideas

Ideas for (Almost) Everyday of the Month

Month Long Ideas

  • Dry January - This is great for businesses that offer non-alcoholic products. 30 days of mocktail recipes or tips for living a dry life would be very popular and generate a lot of traffic/new followers this month. Lean on hashtags like #sobercurious, #dryjanuary etc.

  • No Spend January - holiday expenditures add up quickly and many families do 'No Spend January'. If you have free resources or tips for mananging your finances now is the time to share them. Focus your content more on education and offering value for your audience.

  • National Hobby Month - once or twice this month you can do a personal post sharing a reel of your doing some of your hobbies. This will create personal connections with your audience and encourage your followers to comment starting conversations with them. Check out this example, I turned my hobby videos into a sales reel ➡️

Week Long Ideas

  • New Years Resolution Week (Jan 1 - 7) - share your goals, intention or your word for the following year and invite your followers along for the journey. Include a CTA for them to comment their goals, resolutions, intention or word for the year as well.

Ideas for (Almost) Everyday of the Month

  • January 1: New Year's Day - check out the content ideas in the New Years Resolution Week section.

  • January 2: International Stop Spam Day - send an email inviting people to unsubscribe if they no longer esonate with your content. Removing followers who don't open your emails lowers the cost of your email marketing platform as most charge based on the number of emails you send.

  • Janaury 3: Festival of Sleep Day - create a post describing how your product of service can help peopel sleep easier at night. For example: "hiring me as your VA is going to get so many projects off your to-do list, you're going to sleep easier knowing these things are done for you!"

  • January 4: Trivia Day - create stories using the "Poll" or "Question" sticker and invite your followers to play trivia with you. Go in your stories the next day and share the answers to the questions. These can be trivia questions about your business or random general trivia. As an optional bonus you can random select someone who participates to win a $10 gift card.

  • January 6: Cuddle Up Day - do you have a 'cuddled up' work spot? Snap a picture and share what you work on while you're all cozy. This builds trust and gives you a subtle opportunity to talk about your business.

  • January 8: World Typing Day - Create a b-roll reel of you typing on your computer. Add text and a caption for a quick piece of content. Try a hook like: 2 things you need to stop doing if you want to _. Taking b-roll clips like this doesn't have to be hard. I prop my phone up against a waterbottle or anything else handy when filming reels like that. 👈🏻 Click to watch it.

  • January 14: World Logic Day - add a brainteaser to your stories today for some fun interaction. Bonus points if you can make the brainteaser about your business.

  • Janaury 16: National Nothing Day - write a post about what will happen if your customers do nothing (aka. don't buy your product or sign up to work with you). Paint the picture of a pain point of theres. You can end with a CTA saying "if you don't want that to be your reality, it's time to _ (what do they need to do)".

  • January 17: International Mentoring Day - if you're a coach or course provider it's the perfect opportunity to share how you mentor _ (your clients) to do/get _ (transformation). Use that fill-in-the-blank sentence as text on screen with a b-roll video and some trending audio.

  • January 19: Get To Know Your Customers Day - all businesses need to conduct market research, today is a great day to create a story or stories asking for feedback from your audience about things they're struggling with, or things they'd like to see from you. Be sure to personal DM and thank anyone who answers you even if you don't intend to implement their feedback.

  • January 21: National Hugging Day - send an email or create a story sharing your appreciation for everyone who's supporting your business, even if that support only looks like likes and comments on your posts. Everything helps!

  • January 24: National Compliment Day - create a post and/or story inviting your customers who follow you to leave a Google review, a compliment for your business. You can also send out an email asking this as well. Google reviews build credibility and help generate awareness for your business.

  • January 25: National Opposite Day - tell your followers to do the opposite of what you want them to, this will surprise them encouraging them to watch to the end of the video or read the full caption where you'll explain it's opposite day and what they should actually do. Remember this should be a lighthearted post, make it clear you're being funny and comical.

  • January 26: National Spouses Day - often our spouses are the unsung hero's supporting our business. I know my business wouldn't exist without Grayson, so take the opportunity to share some pictures of your spouse and you and write a caption thanking them for their support.

  • January 28: National Have Fun At Work Day - having fun with what you do is so important, can you do some behind the scenes footage of you having fun working. Maybe you're jamming out to tunes at your desk or your while packing orders. Maybe you share a reel of video bloopers etc. Write a heartfelt caption to match.

  • January 29: National Puzzle Day - if you're a puzzel fan like I am, create a b-roll video of you working on a puzzle and use it for an easy reel later.

  • January 31: Plan for Vacation Day - create a 'Poll' or 'Quiz' in your stories and ask your followers to guess where your dream vacation destination is. Be sure to go back and share the answer if you use the poll feature. You can create a second story with the 'Question' sticker asking your aduince to share their dream vacation desitnation. Respond to everyone who answers starting a conversation about travel. If the opportunity presents itself, you can share an invite to purchase your products or services.

Remember to only use the ideas that relate the best to your business and try to limit the number of posts you're creating for these National holidays to a few. they should be a fun way to shake up your content mix but shouldn't be the foundation of your strategy!

If you're looking for support creating a social media content calendar that support your business goals and generates sales, click here to learn how I can help or check out the Social Success Planner.

Planning your content ideas for a different month? Check out:


Hi, I'm Brittany

Your st. Thomas based marketing Mentor 

I'm a mom, mystery buff, bookworm, and DIY home decor enthusiast. I help small business owners gain the tools and confidence to market their business with ease. If you want clarity to grow your business effortlessly, come learn more about my favorite social media tips, email marketing strategies, and podcasting insights. I provide the roadmap and confidence to take action, get results & make money!

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Hi, I'm Brittany

I'm a mom, mystery buff, bookworm, and DIY home decor enthusiast. I help small business owners gain the tools and confidence to market their business with ease.


If you want clarity to grow your business effortlessly, come learn more about my favorite social media tips, email marketing strategies, and podcasting insights. I provide the roadmap and confidence to take action, get results, and make money!

Your Marketing Mentor Based In St. Thomas, Ontario

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